NopMarket Responsive nopCommerce Theme Giveaway

NopMarket - responsive nopCommerce theme suitable for marketplace, computer store, electronics store and home appliances store

It has been a while since we last launched a new theme. We are extremely happy to launch NopMarket, our third premium nopCommerce theme that is suitable for marketplace, computer store, electronics store and home appliances store.

And to celebrate the successful launch, we are giving away 5 free copies of NopMarket. It's easy to participate:

  1. Understand more about this theme, and play around with the demo site. Click here for NopMarket product page.
  2. Tell me (in the comments), what you like about the theme, and what you think could be improved. Please be as honest as possible, we really want to hear from you. Please also tell me on what kind of store will you be using this theme.
  3. Retweet or +1 the following (either one will do):

Reweet on Twitter

+1 on Google Plus


It's that simple! Make sure you use a valid e-mail when commenting, otherwise I won't be able to contact you. 5 participants with the best suggestions will be selected as winners, so make sure you give us constructive feedback! Winners will be announced on the blog (and contacted individually through e-mail) on 20 August 2014.

Anyway, keep the compliments and suggestions coming! Cheers! :)

Update 2014-08-20

We've selected the winners:

1. kenyueng128
2. DonovanWoodside
3. jrDenz
4. LuvAspNet
5. Alex Dm

Winners will be notified individually through e-mail.

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