Blog posts tagged with 'nopcommerce theme'

Things You Need to Know About nopCommerce Templates

In case you do not already know, we sell a couple of free and paid nopCommerce themes on our website. We like creating beautiful and usable nopCommerce themes, and I would like to lay down some guidelines in this blog post on how to choose the perfect nopCommerce template for your next store. (I've earlier written a more generic article on the same topic, make sure you read it before continuing.)

nopCommerce themes | nopCommerce templates

When it comes to e-commerce, the layout of your shop can be crucial to positive user experience (UX), how long a user stays on your site, and even conversion rates. When users visit an e-commerce store they want to easily find what they're looking for while viewing a website that is aesthetically pleasing to their eyes. In fact, a well designed e-commerce template can directly increase your store's sales. 

So how do you choose the perfect theme?

Why Today's E-commerce Stores Have To Be Mobile-friendly?

With technological advancements happening each and every day, it is no wonder the number of sales made from mobile phone users continues to rise each year. There is not much left in the world that we cannot do or see from the palm of our hands, and this includes online shopping.

In fact, Google has recently make it very clear that they are taking serious consideration of a website's mobile-friendliness. As part of the initiative, they've even launched a mobile-friendly test tool.

Mobile-friendly nopCommerce themes

NopLite nopCommerce Responsive Theme Updated to 3.50

With the announcement of nopCommerce 3.50, we are glad to announce the availability of our popular NopLite - Responsive nopCommerce Theme.

NopLite Responsive nopCommerce Theme available in version 3.50

And the good news is, we did not just upgrade it to 3.50, there is also a couple of features upgrades in the 3.50 version.

Choosing nopCommerce Themes

Having a great nopCommerce template can help attract more customers to your nopCommerce store. Pro nopCommerce provides high quality, hand-crafted nopCommerce themes for stores of various types. Here are a few things to consider when deciding on a template for your online business.

Choosing nopCommerce Themes | nopCommerce Templates

Products and target markets

A well-chosen theme can make your products resonate with your target audience, so it is important that you choose a theme suitable for your business. For example if you have a florist shop you might want to choose a brighter and more lively-looking theme than say a restaurant.

Integration with special features

Perhaps you want a video player on the home page of your store. Some themes will do a better job of highlighting key features than others. If you go to the trouble of creating video or having live sales representatives, you want to be sure that your theme works with those features.

Ease of use and user experience

A theme used for e-commerce should be as easy as possible for your customers to navigate and interact with. A frustrated customer or potential customer might turn to an easier-to-use online store thus hurting the bottom line of your company.


In today's busy world, many people shop online using a tablet or smartphone. Themes can appear differently on these devices so it is vital to check and make sure that your theme is equally optimized for mobile platforms as they are on desktop.

Second Opinion

With many different themes available, it can be wise to seek the opinion of a business associate or friend when deciding on a theme. And remember, basic theme customizations are always encouraged! You wouldn't want your online store to look exactly like other stores who has also purchased the same theme!

NopMarket Responsive nopCommerce Theme Giveaway

NopMarket - responsive nopCommerce theme suitable for marketplace, computer store, electronics store and home appliances store

It has been a while since we last launched a new theme. We are extremely happy to launch NopMarket, our third premium nopCommerce theme that is suitable for marketplace, computer store, electronics store and home appliances store.

And to celebrate the successful launch, we are giving away 5 free copies of NopMarket. It's easy to participate:

Setting Up NopWired Free nopCommerce Theme

You probably know that Pro nopCommerce has released a free nopCommerce theme, NopWired, weeks ago. I am grateful that this free theme has been downloaded by many Pro nopCommerce supporters all around the world since then (and has obtained a lot of nice reviews from the folks).

NopWired theme has a very simple and sleek design with some great features to mess around with, especially on the Homepage itself. As you can view the theme on the demo site, the homepage is made up of many beautiful pictures and links. It is worth to note that, all these sections are highly customizable for your own stores. So, here I am going to write a simple tutorial to explain the setup procedure of this beautiful NopWired homepage.

After installing and running NopWired on your stores, please don't get shocked by your store's first sight. As the homepage of NopWired theme is made up of various Topics blocks, you won't get anything if you don't setup those content on your store. On first deployment of NopWired, you'll see something similar as the picture below (you probably see a different picture in the slider).

NopWired - Free nopCommerce Theme